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[Schneier on Security] Security and Privacy Guidelines for the Internet of Things - 사물인터넷 보안 가이드 라인 [이미지 출처/문서받기: beechamresearch.com] 1. Internet of Things (IoT) Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group 2. IoT Security Guidance 3. Strategic Principles for Securing the Internet of Things (IoT 4. Security 5. Security Solutions 6. IoT Security Guidelines Overview Document 7. IoT Security Guidelines For Service Ecosystems 8. IoT Security Guidelines for Endpoint Ecosystems 9. IoT Security Guide.. 2017. 2. 11.
[KDnuggets] 52 Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs, updated - 머신러닝, 예측 모델 API 소개 [이미지 출처: happiestminds.com] ★ API 카테고리 -Face and Image Recognition 얼굴 및 이미지 인식 -Text Analysis, NLP, Sentiment Analysis 텍스트, 자연어 처리, 감성 분석 -Language Translation 번역 -Prediction and Other Machine Learning 예측 등 ★ Face and Image Recognition 1. Animetrics Face Recognition 2.Betaface 3.Eyedea Recognition 4.Face++ 5.FaceMark 6.FaceRect 7.Google Cloud Vision API 8.IBM Watson Visual Recognition 9.Microsof.. 2017. 2. 11.
[out-law.com] The who and how of cyber-attacks: types of attackers and their methods - 사이버 공격은 누가 어떻게 하는걸까? [이미지 출처: betanews.com] ★ 공격자 유형 -Script kiddies -Hacktivists -Organised crime -Nation state/state proxy -Insiders ★ 주요 공격 방식 -information theft -espionage -sabotage ★ 공격 동기 -financial gain -political -prestige -nation state ★ 공격 실행 방식 -phishing and spear phishing and vishing -whaling -waterholing -DDoS -malware -malvertising -기사 출처/원문보기: [out-law.com] The who and how of cyber-attacks: types of a.. 2017. 2. 11.