IT 와 Social 이야기/Data Science [CS, NcState] The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data: Quantitative methods by manga0713 2015. 8. 8. Icse15 Tech-briefing Data Science from CS, NcState 공유하기 게시글 관리 망가천재의 스토리텔링 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 'IT 와 Social 이야기 > Data Science' 카테고리의 다른 글 [Derek Kane] Data Science - Part I - Sustaining Predictive Analytics Capabilities (0) 2015.08.17 [Derek Kane] Data Science - Part XVIII - Big Data Fundamentals for Data Scientists (0) 2015.08.17 [Neal Lathia] Data Science in Digital Health (0) 2015.07.25 [WSO2] Introduction to Data Science and Analytics (0) 2015.07.18 [Amazon Web Services] Perspectives from the NIH Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS) Office (0) 2015.07.09 관련글 [Derek Kane] Data Science - Part I - Sustaining Predictive Analytics Capabilities [Derek Kane] Data Science - Part XVIII - Big Data Fundamentals for Data Scientists [Neal Lathia] Data Science in Digital Health [WSO2] Introduction to Data Science and Analytics