IT 와 Social 이야기/IoT [Corley S.r.l.] Develop and Deploy IOT Applications by manga0713 2015. 4. 7. Cloud Conf 2015 - Develop and Deploy IOT Applications from Corley S.r.l. 공유하기 게시글 관리 망가천재의 스토리텔링 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 'IT 와 Social 이야기 > IoT' 카테고리의 다른 글 [Abdullah Cetin CAVDAR] Internet of Things (IoT) and Google (0) 2015.04.08 [Hakyong Kim] 사물인터넷 기반 서비스화 접근법 IoT based Servitization Approaches (0) 2015.04.08 [Eduardo Oliveira] Hardware prototyping: Arduino, sensors, and NFC (0) 2015.04.07 [Jeff Prestes] Interact your smartwatch and iot device (0) 2015.04.02 [DatawatchCorporation] Analytics - The Key to Generating Value from Your IoT Data (0) 2015.03.30 관련글 [Abdullah Cetin CAVDAR] Internet of Things (IoT) and Google [Hakyong Kim] 사물인터넷 기반 서비스화 접근법 IoT based Servitization Approaches [Eduardo Oliveira] Hardware prototyping: Arduino, sensors, and NFC [Jeff Prestes] Interact your smartwatch and iot device