IT 와 Social 이야기 [Nick Landry] Cognitive Services: Building Smart Apps with Speech, NLP & Vision - MS 자연어 처리 by manga0713 2016. 12. 12. Cognitive Services: Building Smart Apps with Speech, NLP & Vision from Nick Landry 공유하기 게시글 관리 망가천재의 스토리텔링 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 'IT 와 Social 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글 [Sarah Sexton] Getting Started with Microsoft Bot Framework - MS 챗봇 프레임웍 (0) 2016.12.12 [Nick Landry] Bots are the New Apps: Building with the Bot Framework & Language Understanding - 봇 (0) 2016.12.12 [Nick Landry] Scaling IoT: Telemetry, Command & Control, Analytics and the Cloud - MS 사물인터넷 플랫폼 (0) 2016.12.12 [Nick Landry] Building Mixed Reality Experiences for Microsoft HoloLens in Unity - 혼합현실, MS 홀로렌즈 (0) 2016.12.12 [AugmentedWorldExpo] Mixed Reality Apps and Games with Project Tango - 혼합현실 앱 개발을 위한 구글 탱고 (0) 2016.12.09 관련글 [Sarah Sexton] Getting Started with Microsoft Bot Framework - MS 챗봇 프레임웍 [Nick Landry] Bots are the New Apps: Building with the Bot Framework & Language Understanding - 봇 [Nick Landry] Scaling IoT: Telemetry, Command & Control, Analytics and the Cloud - MS 사물인터넷 플랫폼 [Nick Landry] Building Mixed Reality Experiences for Microsoft HoloLens in Unity - 혼합현실, MS 홀로렌즈