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[Steve Scott] 21 Habits of Highly Organized People

by manga0713 2014. 3. 25.


21 Habits of Highly Organized People (or What Super Heros Can Teach You About Productivity) from Steve Scott


성공을 향 한 흔들림 없는 행함을 위해서는...^^


1. Write everything down.

2. Financial awareness.

3. Declutter your work and living space.

4. Put everything in its place.

5. Practice the 15-minute pick-up.

6. Batch similar tasks.

7. Create a "Pending Place".

8. Eliminate two things.

9. Create plans of action and systems.

10. Compartmentalize.

11. Know when to call the calvary.

12. Stick to what works for you.

13. Face your Goliaths.

14. Know who's who & what's what.

15. Delegate.

16. Work hard, don't slack.

17. Incorporate teams.

18. Organize healthy food lists.

19. Use psychological triggers.

20. Diversify and multiply.

21. Refrain from thinking negative thoughts.