KNN3 [K-ICT 빅데이터센터] Ch11. 유방암 예측 모델링2-KNN-임정환교수 ★ 강의자료, 소스코드 다운받기 : 2021. 4. 9. [Tech With Tim] Python Machine Learning Tutorial #6 - KNN p.2 - How does K Nearest Neighbors Work? *** Python Machine Learning 6 : How Does K-Nearest Neighbors Work? - K-최근접이웃 알고리즘 설명 *** Text-Based Tutorial & Code: 2020. 5. 20. [Tech With Tim] Python Machine Learning Tutorial #5 - KNN p.1 - Irregular Data *** Python Machine Learning 5 : #KNN p.1 - Irregular Data - Introduction to KNN(K-Neatest Neighbors; K-최근접이웃 알고리즘) - Downloading the Data (Car Evaluation Data Set) - Importing Modules (#sklearn, #pandas, #numpy) - Loading Data - Converting Data *** Text-Based Tutorial & Code: 2020. 5. 20. 이전 1 다음