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[오늘의 양식] 범사에 감사 Thankful In All Things Thankful In All Things 범사에 감사 In everything give thanks. —1 Thessalonians 5:18 범사에 감사하라 — 데살로니가전서 5:18Hymn 489 찬송가 489 My daughter is allergic to peanuts. Her sensitivity is so acute that eating even the tiniest fragment of a peanut threatens her life. As a result, we scrutinize food package labels. We carry a pre-filled syringe of medicine (to treat allergic reactions) wherever we go. And, when.. 2013. 3. 11.
[오늘의 양식] 예수님 팀 Jesus' Team Jesus’ Team 예수님 팀 He . . . saw a tax collector named Levi . . . . And He said to him, “Follow Me.” —Luke 5:27 그 후에 나가서 레위라 하는 세리가...... 보시고 나를 좇으라 하시니 — 누가복음 5:27Hymn 329 찬송가 329 In 2002 the Oakland Athletics built a winning baseball team in an unorthodox way. They had lost three top players after 2001, and the team didn’t have money to sign any stars. So Oakland’s general manager, Billy Beane, .. 2013. 3. 8.
[오늘의 양식] 가장자리 On The Fringe On The Fringe 가장자리 God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:19 나의 하나님이 그리스도 예수 안에서 영광 가운데 그 풍성한 대로 너희 모든 쓸 것을 채우시리라 — 빌립보서 4:19Hymn 406 찬송가 406 When butterflies hatch at Frederik Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan, they do so in an indoor tropical paradise perfectly suited to meet their every need. The temperature is perfect. The humid.. 2013. 3. 7.
[오늘의 양식] 범퍼카 Bumper Cars Bumper Cars 범퍼카 Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times? —Matthew 18:21 주여 형제가 내게 죄를 범하면 몇 번이나 용서하여 주리이까 일곱 번까지 하오리이까 — 마태복음 18:21Hymn 519 찬송가 519 Life is a lot like “bumper cars” at an amusement park. You get in your car, knowing that you will get hit . . . you just don’t know how hard. And when you get hit, you step on the gas pedal, chase the one .. 2013. 3. 6.