예측 분석21 [Jorge Martinez de Salinas] Distributed R: The Next Generation Platform for Predictive Analytics - Distributed R 소개 Distributed R: The Next Generation Platform for Predictive Analytics from Jorge Martinez de Salinas 2016. 9. 14. [Claudiu Barbura] Autonomous analytics on streaming data - 스트리밍 데이터 분석 자동화 Autonomous analytics on streaming data from Claudiu Barbura 2016. 9. 12. [Mark Rittman] Big Data for Oracle Developers - Towards Spark, Real-Time and Predictive Analytics - 오라클과 Spark의 만남 IlOUG Tech Days 2016 - Big Data for Oracle Developers - Towards Spark, Real-Time and Predictive Analytics from Mark Rittman 2016. 9. 10. 예측 분석 산업별 사례 147가지 [이미지 출처: softnetsearch] 예측 분석 산업별 사례 147 from eungjin cho 2016. 8. 20. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음