Biopython2 [J-sec] Building a BioInformatics App with Streamlit and Python ■ Streamlit 을 사용하여 BioInformatics App 만들기 - BioPython- NeatBio- Streamlit ■ The Structure of App - DNA Sequence: from a FASTA file- DotPlot: compare 2 different sequences and generate a dotplot ■ Features of App - DNA Composition (GC Content, AT Content)- Transcription- Translation- Plot our nucleotide frequency- Amino acid frequency 2020. 8. 17. [J-sec] Protein Sequence Analysis of Covid19 using BioPython *** BioPython을 이용한 Covid19의 단백질 서열 분석 *** Installation pip install biopython*** Applications of BioPython - For sequence analysis (DNA,RNA)- To do transcription and translation of DNA (Protein Synthesis)- Querying and Access BioInformatic DatabasesEntrez, BLAST,GenBank,etc- 3D Structure analysis *** Task - Analysis of Covid19 genome *** Written Tutorial:**.. 2020. 8. 3. 이전 1 다음