Data Sharing16 [Angelo Corsaro] What's the Right Messaging Standard for the IoT What's the Right Messaging Standard for the IoT? from Angelo Corsaro 2014. 9. 14. [Angelo Corsaro] The Intelligent Data Sharing Platform for the Internet of Things Vortex: The Intelligent Data Sharing Platform for the Internet of Things from Angelo Corsaro 2014. 6. 9. [Frost and Sullivan] The Rise of Connected Living and What It Means for ICT The Rise in Connected Living and What It Means for ICT from Frost and Sullivan 2014. 5. 15. [z_punkt] Connected Reality 2025 Trend study: Connected Reality 2025 from Z_punkt GmbH The Foresight Company 2014. 5. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음