Python409 [J-sec] Building a BioInformatics App with Streamlit and Python ■ Streamlit 을 사용하여 BioInformatics App 만들기 - BioPython- NeatBio- Streamlit ■ The Structure of App - DNA Sequence: from a FASTA file- DotPlot: compare 2 different sequences and generate a dotplot ■ Features of App - DNA Composition (GC Content, AT Content)- Transcription- Translation- Plot our nucleotide frequency- Amino acid frequency 2020. 8. 17. [J-sec] 3D Structure Plot of Covid19 using BioPython and Py3Dmol ■ Covid19 (코로나19)의 구조를 3D로 보기 3D Structure of CovidFile Formatpdb :PDBParser() legacycif :MMCIFParser() recentlinks Data BankPkgspip install nglviewpip install py3Dmolpip install pytrajjupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefixnglview enablejupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widget/jupyterlab-managerjupyter-labextension install n.. 2020. 8. 17. [Maria Nattestad] How Big Data is transforming biology and how we are using Python to make sense it all Data and Python in Biology at PyData NYC 2015 from Maria Nattestad *** 빅데이터가 몰고 온 생물학(Biology)의 변화와 기회*** 파이썬을 사용하여 Human Genome을 이해하는 방법 - SplitThreader : Explore rearrangements and copy-number amplifications in a cancer genome *** Slides available here:*** GitHub repo here: : 2020. 8. 15. [Tech With Tim] Python Selenium Tutorial #6 - UnitTest Framework (Part 2) *** Python Selenium Tutorial #6 - UnitTest Framework: How to use the unit testing framework 2020. 7. 24. 이전 1 ··· 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ··· 103 다음