UX28 [Kelsey Ruger] Finding Charisma: The Secrets To Becoming Design Oriented Finding Charisma: The Secrets To Becoming Design Oriented from Kelsey Ruger 2014. 5. 26. [shoobe01] API-First Design: Creating ecosystems instead of products API First: Creating ecosystems instead of products from shoobe01 2014. 5. 21. [Rafael Daron] UX & Design Thinking for Startups UX and Design Thinking for Startups from Rafael Daron 2014. 5. 16. [Memi Beltrame] The User Experience of The Internet of Things The User Experience of the Internet of Things. from Memi Beltrame 2014. 5. 13. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음