data driven8 [IBM] Inside the mind of Generation D: What it means to be data-rich and analytically driven Inside the mind of Generation D: What it means to be data-rich and analytically driven from IBM 2015. 9. 2. [Safe Software] How Data Fuels Superior Emergency Management & Services How Data Fuels Superior Emergency Management & Services from Safe Software 2015. 7. 31. [Fahim Kawsar] Network Intelligence Driven Human Behavior Modeling Network Intelligence Driven Human Behavior Modeling from Fahim Kawsar 2015. 3. 28. [DATAVERSITY] Data Driven Biomedical Research with Semantic Web Technologies WEBINAR: The Yosemite Project PART 6 -- Data-Driven Biomedical Research with Semantic Web Technologies from DATAVERSITY 2014. 12. 26. 이전 1 2 다음