tensorflow69 [K-ICT 빅데이터센터] 파이썬 텐서플로우(v1.x) 딥러닝 Ch1. 딥러닝 및 학습의 개념-최권택교수 ★ 강의자료, 소스코드 다운받기 : https://kbig.kr/portal/kbig/datacube/... 2021. 4. 11. [Tech With Tim] Tensorflow 2.0 Tutorial - Saving & Loading Models - Text Classification P4 *** Python Neural Networks with TensorFlow 8: Text Classification P4 - Saving the Model- Loading the Model- Making Predictions *** Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/pyt... 2020. 6. 17. [Tech With Tim] TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial - Training the Model - Text Classification P3 *** Python Neural Networks with TensorFlow 7: Text Classification P3 - Validation Data- Training the Model- Testing the Model *** Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/pyt... *** About Train, Validation and Test Sets in Machine Learning ● Training Dataset - The sample of data used to fit the model.- The actual dataset that we use to train the model (weights and biases in the cas.. 2020. 6. 17. [Tech With Tim] Tensorflow 2.0 Tutorial - What is an Embedding Layer? Text Classification P2 *** Python Neural Networks with TensorFlow 6: Text Classification P2, What is an Embedding Layer? - Understanding the Model ArchitectureWord Embedding LayerGlobalAveragePooling1D LayerDense Layer *** Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/pyt... 2020. 6. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 18 다음