wearable computing20 [Seven] towards a content strategy for wearables The Future of Connectivity - Glance: towards a content strategy for wearables from Seven 2014. 10. 9. [David Kelly] The Impact of Wearable Technology on Performance Support The Impact of Wearable Technology on Performance Support from David Kelly 2014. 9. 8. [Sungjae Hwang] 웨어러블 기술의 연구 동향 및 미래 전망 [Wearable X Fair] 웨어러블 기술의 연구 동향 및 미래 전망 from Sungjae Hwang 2014. 8. 26. [PSFK] The Future of Wearable Tech PSFK Future Of Wearable Tech - Summary Presentation from PSFK 2014. 7. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음