IT 와 Social 이야기/IoT173 [SenZations Summer School] Smart planting - IoT 센싱 기술을 이용한 농작물 모델 Smart planting - SenZations 2015 winners - team: THINKERS from SenZations Summer School 2015. 10. 9. [SenZations Summer School] Secure Internet of Things - IoT 보안 위협 및 대응 방안 Senzations’15: Secure Internet of Things from SenZations Summer School 2015. 10. 9. [ChromeInfo Technologies] TOP 6 Security Challenges of Internet of Things - IoT 보안의 6 요소 TOP 6 Security Challenges of Internet of Things from ChromeInfo Technologies 2015. 10. 9. [ForgeRock] Security in the Internet of Things - IoT 보안 설계 가이드 Security in the Internet of Things from ForgeRock 2015. 10. 8. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 44 다음