IT 와 Social 이야기/IoT173 [The Security of Things Forum] M2M, IoT and Security: a Market Overview - 커넥티드 디바이스 시장 전망 (보안 시장 전망 포함) M2M, IoT and Security: a Market Overview from The Security of Things Forum 2015. 10. 5. [Pivotal] Business Impact From IoT? Just Add Data Science - 사물인터넷과 데이터 사이언스 Business Impact From IoT? Just Add Data Science from Pivotal 2015. 10. 5. [The Security of Things Forum] A hacker's Perspective on Embedded Device Security - 해커의 IoT 디바이스 해킹 방식 SOHOpelessly Broken from The Security of Things Forum 2015. 10. 3. [The Security of Things Forum] Patient Centric Cyber Monitoring with DocBox and Evolver - 환자 중심의 의료 IoT 기기 보안 Patient Centric Cyber Monitoring with DocBox and Evolver from The Security of Things Forum 2015. 10. 3. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 44 다음