IT 와 Social 이야기/Python348 품사 태깅 약어 의미 Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in the Penn Treebank Project: Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in the Penn Treebank Project: No Tag Description 1 CC Coordinating conjunction 2 CD Cardinal number 3 DT Determiner 4 EX Existential there 5 FW Foreign word 6 IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction 7 JJ Adjective 8 JJR Adjective, comparative 9 JJS Adjective, superlative .. 2021. 2. 15. [빵형의개발도상국] 음악 장르 인공지능과 음악 추천 알고리즘 만들기 ○ Source code(Colab): ○ Dependency: - Python 3 - librosa - matplotlib - seaborn - xgboost - scikit-learn ○ Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:45 GTZAN 데이터셋 소개 01:26 데이터셋 다운로드 02:35 오디오 파일의 이해 08:30 오디오 특징 추출 16:33 오디오 파일을 분해하면서 느낀점 17:41 음악 장르 분류 인공지능 22:45 음악 추천 알고리즘 27:55 Outro ○ Dataset: GTZAN: ○ Reference: htt.. 2021. 2. 12. [J-sec] Building A Simple Blog (CRUD) App with Streamlit and Python ■ Streamlit 을 사용하여 블로그 만들기 - Main Features Home: simple preview or list of all postsView Posts: where we will display full articles to readAdd Post: where we create our postSearch: where we can search articles by title or author fieldsManage Blog: where we will delete and check for our analytics - Back-end DB Management normal SQL and sqlite3 ■ Written Tutorial and Code: https://blog.jcharistech.. 2020. 8. 18. [J-sec] Building a BioInformatics App with Streamlit and Python ■ Streamlit 을 사용하여 BioInformatics App 만들기 - BioPython- NeatBio- Streamlit ■ The Structure of App - DNA Sequence: from a FASTA file- DotPlot: compare 2 different sequences and generate a dotplot ■ Features of App - DNA Composition (GC Content, AT Content)- Transcription- Translation- Plot our nucleotide frequency- Amino acid frequency 2020. 8. 17. 이전 1 ··· 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ··· 87 다음