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[J-sec] 3D Structure Plot of Covid19 using BioPython and Py3Dmol ■ Covid19 (코로나19)의 구조를 3D로 보기 3D Structure of CovidFile Formatpdb :PDBParser() legacycif :MMCIFParser() recentlinkshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6LU7Protein Data BankPkgspip install nglviewpip install py3Dmolpip install pytrajjupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefixnglview enablejupyter-labextension install @jupyter-widget/jupyterlab-managerjupyter-labextension install n.. 2020. 8. 17.
[J-sec] Comparative Data Analysis of Coronavirus, Ebola and SARS Outbreaks with Python Comparing Disease Outbreaks [Covid19,SARS,EBOLA] with PythonSARS (Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome)EbolaCovid19 (Novel Coronavirus 19)Data Sources & Creditshttps://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/tree/master/csse_covid_19_datahttps://github.com/imdevskphttps://github.com/reconhub/outbreaksQuestionsWhich countries were affected?How many cases (confirmed/recovered/death) in all?Top countries af.. 2020. 8. 16.
[Maria Nattestad] How Big Data is transforming biology and how we are using Python to make sense it all Data and Python in Biology at PyData NYC 2015 from Maria Nattestad *** 빅데이터가 몰고 온 생물학(Biology)의 변화와 기회*** 파이썬을 사용하여 Human Genome을 이해하는 방법 - SplitThreader : Explore rearrangements and copy-number amplifications in a cancer genome *** Slides available here: http://www.slideshare.net/MariaNattes...*** GitHub repo here: : https://github.com/marianattestad/spl... 2020. 8. 15.
[J-sec] Protein Sequence Analysis of Covid19 using BioPython *** BioPython을 이용한 Covid19의 단백질 서열 분석 *** Installation pip install biopython*** Applications of BioPython - For sequence analysis (DNA,RNA)- To do transcription and translation of DNA (Protein Synthesis)- Querying and Access BioInformatic DatabasesEntrez, BLAST,GenBank,etc- 3D Structure analysis *** Task - Analysis of Covid19 genome *** Written Tutorial:https://blog.jcharistech.com/2020/04/...**.. 2020. 8. 3.