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[오늘의 양식] 그들이 지켜보고 있다 They're Watching They’re Watching 그들이 지켜보고 있다 Speak evil of no one, . . . be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. —Titus 3:2 아무도 훼방하지 말며 다투지 말며 관용하며 범사에 온유함을 모든 사람에게 나타낼 것을...... — 디도서 3:2Hymn 507 찬송가 507 It’s been several decades since a high school event devastated me. Playing sports was hugely important to me. I zeroed in on basketball and spent hundreds of hours practicing my game. So when I d.. 2013. 3. 4.
[오늘의 양식] 위대한 일을 기대하라 Expect Great Things EXPECT GREAT THINGSWho through faith . . . out of weakness were made strong.-Hebrews 11:33-34William Carey was an ordinary man with an extraordinary faith. Born into a working-class family in the 18th century, Carey made his living as a shoemaker. While crafting shoes, Carey read theology and journals of explorers. God used His Word and the stories of the discovery of new people groups to burden.. 2013. 3. 1.
[오늘의 양식] 슬픔을 묶어서 Pack up Your Sorrows Pack Up Your Sorrows 슬픔을 묶어서 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. —Isaiah 53:4 그는 실로 우리의 질고를 지고 우리의 슬픔을 당하였거늘 —이사야 53:4Hymn 327 찬송가 327 During the turbulent years of the 1960s, popular music in America was a strange mixture of protest and patriotism. Some songs lashed out against war, greed, and injustice in society, while others affirmed duty to country and traditional values.. 2013. 2. 28.
[오늘의 양식] 슬쩍 나가셨네요 Grandpa Snucked Out Grandpa Snucked Out 슬쩍 나가셨네요 My heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope. —Psalm 16:9 내 마음이 기쁘고 내 영광도 즐거워하며 내 육체도 안전히 거하리니 —시편 16:9Hymn 157 찬송가 157 My cousin Ken fought a courageous 4-year battle with cancer. In his final days, his wife, three children, and several grandchildren were in and out of his room, spending time with him and sharing special goodbyes. When ev.. 2013. 2. 27.