성경525 [오늘의 양식] 팽팽하게 맞선 The Standoff 팽팽하게 맞선 He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. —1 John 4:4 이는 너희 안에 계신 이가 세상에 있는 이보다 크심이라 — 요한1서 4:4Hymn 25 찬송가 25 When a local bookstore rearranged its shelves, I noticed an increase in the number of titles relating to sorcery and witchcraft. In fact, the religion section had become a virtual “standoff” between light and darkness. Christian titles flanked one side.. 2013. 8. 6. [오늘의 양식] 나머지 80% The Other 80% The Other Eighty Percent 나머지 80 퍼센트 Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them. —Psalm 69:34 천지가 그를 찬송할 것이요 바다와 그 중의 모든 동물도 그리할찌로다 —시편 69:34Hymn 40 찬송가 40 Recently I saw a billboard stating that 80 percent of all life on Earth is found in the seas. That staggering number is difficult to process, largely because most of that life is out of sight 최근에 나는 지구상의 모든 생명체.. 2013. 8. 5. [오늘의 양식] 코린 Corine Corine 코린 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. —1 Peter 4:9 서로 대접하기를 원망 없이 하고 —베드로전서 4:9Hymn 278 찬송가 278 A group of us were helping to put together packets of material at an Our Daily Bread event in Orlando last winter when Corine greeted us. It was mid-morning, and she was sure we must be hungry and thirsty. I told her we were “fine,” and she replied, “I know you’re fine, but you nee.. 2013. 8. 3. [오늘의 양식] 전해주기 Pass It On Pass It On 전해주기 As you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. —2 Corinthians 1:7 너희가 고난에 참예하는 자가 된 것 같이 위로에도 그러할 줄을 앎이라 —고린도후서 1:7Hymn 406 찬송가 406 I’ve noticed through the years that those who have suffered are quick to comfort other sufferers. When a young couple suffers the loss of a child, another couple who also lost a child in the past asks if they can.. 2013. 8. 2. 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ··· 132 다음