Predictive Analytics102 [Andre Bessi] Deep Learning with Apache Spark - 아파치 스팍과 딥러닝 Deep Learning with Apache Spark - an Introduction from Andre Bessi 2016. 11. 8. [Andre Bessi] Machine learning with TensorFlow - 텐서플로우와 머신러닝 Machine learning with TensorFlow from Andre Bessi 2016. 11. 8. [PyData] Promoting a Data Driven Culture in a Microservices Environment - 데이터 기반 비즈니스 시스템 Promoting a Data Driven Culture in a Microservices Environment from PyData 2016. 11. 7. [PyData] Bayesian Network Modeling using Python and R - 파이썬과 R을 통한 베이지언 네트웍스 모델링 Bayesian Network Modeling using Python and R de PyData 2016. 11. 7. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ··· 26 다음