Predictive Analytics102 [SparkCognition] AWEA Cognitive Analytics for Predictive Futures - 미래예측을 위한 인지 컴퓨팅 AWEA Cognitive Analytics for Predictive Futures from SparkCognition 2016. 10. 31. [Matt Harrison] How to Become a Tree Hugger: Random Forests and Predictive Modeling for Developers - 랜덤 포레스트 예측 모델 How to Become a Tree Hugger: Random Forests and Predictive Modeling for Developers from Matt Harrison 2016. 10. 28. [CDOForum] Predictive, prescriptive and experimental analytics for the smart enterprise - 예측 분석 Alfred Essa - Predictive, prescriptive and experimental analytics for the smart enterprise from Chief Data Officer Forum @CDOForum 2016. 10. 28. [Health Catalyst] Deploying Predictive Analytics in Healthcare - 헬스케어 분야의 예측분석 Deploying Predictive Analytics in Healthcare from Health Catalyst 2016. 10. 28. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 26 다음