묵상493 [오늘의 양식] 사이좋게 지내기 Getting Along Getting Along 사이좋게 지내기 Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love. —Philippians 2:2 마음을 같이하여 같은 사랑을 가지고...... 나의 기쁨을 충만케 하라 — 빌립보서 2:2,4Hymn 507 찬송가 507 I love being with people . . . most of the time. There is a special joy that resonates in our hearts when we are with people we enjoy. But unfortunately we are not always with those we like to be around. Sometimes people can be pr.. 2013. 1. 3. [오늘의 양식] 티볼 같은 믿음 T-Ball Faith T-Ball Faith 티볼 같은 믿음 The joy of the Lord is your strength. —Nehemiah 8:10 여호와를 기뻐하는 것이 너희의 힘이니라 — 느헤미야 8:10Hymn 183 찬송가 183 Whoever dreamed up T-ball is a genius: Every kid on the field gets a taste of the fun and joy of the game before they taste the disappointment of striking out. 티볼 경기를 생각해낸 사람이 누군지는 모르겠지만 천재입니다. 구장에 나온 모든 아이들이 삼진의 좌절감을 맛보기 전에 야구경기의 재미와 즐거움을 맛볼 수 있게 해줍니다. In T-ball, a baseba.. 2013. 1. 2. [오늘의 양식] 복된 삶 The Good Life The Good Life 복된 삶 It is good for me to draw near to God. —Psalm 73:28 하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라 — 시편 73:28Hymn 204 찬송가 204 Beauty, wealth, power, love, marriage, and pleasure are good things, but they’re not the best. The best is loving God and taking in His love—bringing Him glory and making Him our friend for life. That leads to the best possible life because it gives us satisfaction and joy now (Jo.. 2013. 1. 1. [오늘의 양식] 죽음을 생각하는 힘 The Power of Terminal Thinking The Power Of Terminal Thinking 죽음을 생각하는 힘 Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. —Psalm 39:4 여호와여 나의 종말과 연한의 어떠함을 알게 하사 나로 나의 연약함을 알게 하소서 —시편 39:4Hymn 543 찬송가 543 As we look forward to the New Year with plans and resolutions, the voices of godly men from the past encourage us to think about something we prefer to ignore—our own death. 계획.. 2012. 12. 31. 이전 1 ··· 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ··· 124 다음