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[오늘의 양식] 두려움이 다가올 때 When Fear Creeps In When Fear Creeps In 두려움이 다가올 때 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in [God]. —Psalm 56:3 내가 두려워하는 날에는 내가 주를 의지하리이다 —시편 56:3Hymn 55 찬송가 55 When my daughter exclaimed, “Mommy, a bug!” I looked where she was pointing and saw the largest spider I have ever encountered outside of a pet shop. Both the spider and I knew that he would not be allowed to stay in our house. And yet, as I faced him, I found .. 2012. 11. 25.
[오늘의 양식] 놀라게 하시는 하나님 Surprised By God Surprised By God 놀라게 하시는 하나님 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. —Ephesians 3:20 우리 가운데서 역사하시는 능력대로 우리가 구하거나 생각하는 모든 것에 더 넘치도록 능히 하실 이에게 —에베소서 3:20Hymn 497 찬송가 497 After 10 years of renting in a charming location, we discovered that our landlord suddenly needed to sell the house. I asked God to change the ci.. 2012. 11. 24.
[오늘의 양식] 부자들이 해야 할 일 The Challenge of Riches The Challenge Of Riches 부자들이 해야 할 일 Command those who are rich in this present age not to . . . trust in uncertain riches but in the living God. —1 Timothy 6:17 이 세대에 부한 자들을 명하여......정함이 없는 재물에 소망을 두지 말고 하나님께 두라 —디모데전서 6:17Hymn 505 찬송가 505 While our family was living in Kenya in the 1980s, we drove a young woman from Nairobi to visit her parents who lived near Lake Victoria. On the way, we stopp.. 2012. 11. 23.
[오늘의 양식] 후히 주시는 하나님을 기뻐함 The Joy of A Generous God The Joy Of A Generous God 후히 주시는 하나님을 기뻐함 They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. —Psalm 36:8 저희가 주의 집의 살찐 것으로 풍족할 것이라 주께서 주의 복락의 강수로 마시우시리이다 —시편 36:8Hymn 46 찬송가 46 Recently I walked into a hotel lobby that featured the largest arrangement of fresh flowers I have ever seen. It was bursting with color, perfectly arra.. 2012. 11. 22.