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[오늘의 양식] 가까이 계시는 예수님 Jesus is Near Jesus Is Near 가까이 계시는 예수님 Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. —Genesis 28:16 여호와께서 과연 여기 계시거늘 내가 알지 못하였도다 — 창세기 28:16Hymn 499 찬송가 499 Samuel, who was 4, had finished eating his dinner and asked if he could be dismissed from the table. He wanted to go outside to play. But he was too young to be out alone, so his mother said, “No. You can’t go outside by yourself. You need to .. 2012. 10. 11.
[오늘의 양식] 아직 하나님 손에 Still God's Hands Still In God’s Hands 아직 하나님 손 안에 In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. —Job 1:22 이 모든 일에 욥이 범죄하지 아니하고 하나님을 향하여 어리석게 원망하지 아니하니라 — 욥기 1:22Hymn 367 찬송가 367 During my first year of seminary, I listened as a new friend described her life. Abandoned by her husband, she was raising two small children alone. Earning just over minimum wage, she had little chance of escaping the poverty a.. 2012. 10. 10.
[오늘의 양식] 넘어진 자 돕기 Helping With Hurdles Helping With Hurdles 넘어진 자 돕기 Two are better than one . . . . For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. —Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 두 사람이 한 사람보다 나음은......혹시 저희가 넘어지면 하나가 그 동무를 붙들어 일으키려니와 — 전도서 4:9-10Hymn 508 찬송가 508 When my daughter Debbie was a little girl, she took ballet lessons. One dance exercise involved jumping over a rolled-up gym mat. Debbie’s first attempt resulted in her bouncing off.. 2012. 10. 9.
[오늘의 양식] 아직도 과실을 맺음 Still Bearing Fruit Still Bearing Fruit 아직도 과실을 맺음 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit. —John 15:8 너희가 과실을 많이 맺으면 내 아버지께서 영광을 받으실 것이요 — 요한복음 15:8Hymn 260 찬송가 260 Sometimes the harvest comes late. Sometimes you sow seeds of hope without really knowing it. Sometimes the fruit of your life comes in a way and time you would never expect. 간혹 추수가 늦어질 때가 있습니다. 때로는 의식하지 못한 채 희망의 씨를 뿌릴 때가 있고, 때로는 삶의 과실이.. 2012. 10. 8.