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[오늘의 양식] 진정한 희생 True Sacrifice True Sacrifice 진정한 희생 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. —John 15:13 사람이 친구를 위하여 자기 목숨을 버리면 이보다 더 큰 사랑이 없나니 — 요한복음 15:13Hymn 86 찬송가 86 Eric was one of the good guys. As a police officer, he saw his work as service to his community and was fully committed to serving at all costs. Evidence of this desire was seen on the door of Eric’s locker at the poli.. 2013. 5. 27.
[오늘의 양식] 빚진 자 The Debtor A Debtor 빚진 자 The love of Christ compels us. —2 Corinthians 5:14 그리스도의 사랑이 우리를 강권하시도다 — 고린도후서 5:14Hymn 28 찬송가 28 As a young man, Robert Robinson (1735–1790) enjoyed getting into trouble with his friends, so the stories go. At age 17, though, he heard a sermon by George Whitefield from Matthew 3:7, and realized his need for salvation in Christ. The Lord changed Robinson’s life, and he became a pr.. 2013. 5. 26.
[오늘의 양식] 폭풍 속을 항해하기 Navigating The Storm Navigating The Storm 폭풍 속을 항해하기 He commands and raises the stormy wind, . . . and He brings them out of their distresses. —Psalm 107:25,28 여호와께서 명하신즉 광풍이 일어나서...... 여호와께서 고통에서 인도하여 내시고 — 시편 107:25,28Hymn 363 찬송가 363 The ancient people of the nation of Axum (located on the Red Sea in modern Ethiopia) discovered that the stormy winds of the monsoon season could be harnessed by sail for speedy navi.. 2013. 5. 25.
[오늘의 양식] 하늘나라 Heavenly Country Heavenly Country 하늘나라 Our citizenship is in heaven. —Philippians 3:20 우리의 시민권은 하늘에 있는지라 — 빌립보서 3:20Hymn 222 찬송가 222 During high school, my closest friend and I took a pair of horses out for an afternoon ride. We slowly roamed through fields of wildflowers and wooded groves. But when we nosed the horses in the direction of the barn, they took off toward home like twin rockets. Our equine friends .. 2013. 5. 24.