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[오늘의 양식] 앞장서서 이끌기 Leading From The Front Leading From The Front 앞장서서 이끌기 He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. —Psalm 23:2-3 그가 나를......쉴만한 물가로 인도하시는도다 내 영혼을 소생시키시고 자기 이름을 위하여 의의 길로 인도하시는도다 —시편 23:2-3Hymn 453 찬송가 453 Stephen Ambrose’s book Band of Brothers follows the US Army’s Easy Company from training in Georgia through the Normandy Invasion of D-Day .. 2013. 6. 6.
[오늘의 양식] 정보 그 이상 More Than Information More Than Information 정보 그 이상 Abide in Me, and I in you. —John 15:4 내 안에 거하라 나도 너희 안에 거하리라 —요한복음 15:4Gospel Song 132 복음성가 132 How is behavior altered? In his book The Social Animal, David Brooks notes that some experts have said people just need to be taught the long-term risks of bad behavior. For example, he writes: “Smoking can lead to cancer. Adultery destroys families, and lying destroys tr.. 2013. 6. 5.
[오늘의 양식] 끝없는 전진 Pressing On Pressing On 끝없는 전진 That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings. —Philippians 3:10 내가 그리스도와 그 부활의 권능과 그 고난에 참예함을 알려 하여 — 빌립보서 3:10Hymn 351 찬송가 351 At a Christian men’s conference, I talked with a longtime friend who has encouraged and mentored me for many years. With him were two young men from China, new in their faith and deeply grateful for this .. 2013. 6. 4.
[오늘의 양식] 지혜로운 말들 Wise Words Wise Words 지혜로운 말들 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. —Ecclesiastes 12:11 지혜자의 말씀은 찌르는 채찍 같고 회중의 스승의 말씀은 잘 박힌 못 같으니 다 한 목자의 주신 바니라 — 전도서 12:11Hymn 442 찬송가 442 Now in my sixties, I reflect back on wise spiritual leaders who had a positive impact on my life. In Bible school, God used my Old Testament professor to make .. 2013. 6. 3.