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[오늘의 양식] 튤립절 Tulip Day Tulip Day 튤립절 Consider the lilies of the field . . . ; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. —Matthew 6:28-29 들의 백합화가 어떻게 자라는가 생각하여 보라 ...... 그러나 내가 너희에게 말하노니 솔로몬의 모든 영광으로도 입은 것이 이 꽃 하나만 같지 못하였느니라 — 마태복음 6:28-29Hymn 307 찬송가 307 Several countries around the world celebrate Tulip Day to welcome the spring. When I think of tulips, I often think o.. 2013. 5. 13.
[오늘의 양식] 인생의 계절 Seasons of Life Seasons Of Life 인생의 계절 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. —Ecclesiastes 3:1 천하에 범사가 기한이 있고 모든 목적이 이룰 때가 있나니 — 전도서 3:1Hymn 304 찬송가 304 When I was a pastor, I served many women who were moms. I called on them in the hospital and rejoiced with them for their precious babies who had come into the world. I counseled with anxious mothers and tried to assure them th.. 2013. 5. 12.
[오늘의 양식] 어제, 오늘, 그리고 내일 Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow 어제, 오늘, 그리고 내일 That all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty. —Joshua 4:24 이는 땅의 모든 백성으로 여호와의 손이 능하심을 알게 하며 — 여호수아 4:24Hymn 500 찬송가 500 Recently I realized that all of the photos and mementos in my office represent the past. I considered removing them, but wondered if those reminders of people, places, and events might serve som.. 2013. 5. 11.
[오늘의 양식] 응원의 기회 Waiting For Cheer Waiting To Cheer 응원의 기회 . . . to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. —Ephesians 3:19 지식에 넘치는 그리스도의 사랑을 알아...... 하나님의 모든 충만하신 것으로 너희에게 충만하게 하시기를 구하노라 — 에베소서 3:19Hymn 407 찬송가 407 In his very first Little League baseball game, a young player on the team I was coaching got hit in the face with a ball. He was not hurt but was understand.. 2013. 5. 10.