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[오늘의 양식] 산 증인 Living Testament Living Testament 산 증인 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel. —2 Timothy 2:8 나의 복음과 같이 다윗의 씨로 죽은 자 가운데서 다시 살으신 예수 그리스도를 기억하라 — 디모데후서 2:8Hymn 390 찬송가 390 Watchman Nee was arrested for his faith in Christ in 1952, and he spent the rest of his life in prison. He died in his jail cell on May 30, 1972. When his niece came to collect his few p.. 2013. 3. 13.
[오늘의 양식] 영혼의 부유함 Riches Of The Soul Riches Of The Soul 영혼의 부유함 Give me neither poverty nor riches— feed me with the food allotted to me. —Proverbs 30:8 나로 가난하게도 마옵시고 부하게도 마옵시고 오직 필요한 양식으로 내게 먹이시옵소서 — 잠언 30:8Hymn 493 찬송가 493 With the hope of winning a record jackpot of $640 million, Americans spent an estimated $1.5 billion on tickets in a multistate lottery in early 2012. The odds of winning were a staggering 1 in 176 million, but.. 2013. 3. 12.
[오늘의 양식] 범사에 감사 Thankful In All Things Thankful In All Things 범사에 감사 In everything give thanks. —1 Thessalonians 5:18 범사에 감사하라 — 데살로니가전서 5:18Hymn 489 찬송가 489 My daughter is allergic to peanuts. Her sensitivity is so acute that eating even the tiniest fragment of a peanut threatens her life. As a result, we scrutinize food package labels. We carry a pre-filled syringe of medicine (to treat allergic reactions) wherever we go. And, when.. 2013. 3. 11.
[오늘의 양식] 예수님 팀 Jesus' Team Jesus’ Team 예수님 팀 He . . . saw a tax collector named Levi . . . . And He said to him, “Follow Me.” —Luke 5:27 그 후에 나가서 레위라 하는 세리가...... 보시고 나를 좇으라 하시니 — 누가복음 5:27Hymn 329 찬송가 329 In 2002 the Oakland Athletics built a winning baseball team in an unorthodox way. They had lost three top players after 2001, and the team didn’t have money to sign any stars. So Oakland’s general manager, Billy Beane, .. 2013. 3. 8.