묵상493 [오늘의 양식] 성경말씀 Digesting The Word Digesting The Word 성경말씀 Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. —Jeremiah 15:16 주의 말씀은 내게 기쁨과 내 마음의 즐거움이오나 — 예레미야 15:16Hymn 235 찬송가 235 King James is famous for the Bible translation that bears his name. But around the same time as the printing of the Bible, he also commissioned The Book of Common Prayer. Still used today, this guide to intercession and worship contains a marvelou.. 2013. 5. 5. [오늘의 양식] 고난에서 나온 노래들 Songs Born Out Of Struggle Songs Born Out Of Struggle 고난에서 나온 노래들 Have mercy on me, O Lord . . . ; my eye wastes away with grief, yes, my soul and my body! —Psalm 31:9 여호와여......나를 긍휼히 여기소서 내가 근심으로 눈과 혼과 몸이 쇠하였나이다 — 시편 31:9Hymn 479 찬송가 479 In a documentary film about three legendary guitarists, Jack White described the first essential for writing a song: “If you don’t have a struggle already inside of you or around you, y.. 2013. 5. 4. [오늘의 양식] 기도 부탁 A Plea For Prayer A Plea For Prayer 기도부탁 Brethren, pray for us. —Proverbs 17:17 형제들아 너희는 우리를 위하여 기도하기를 — 데살로니가후서 3:1Hymn 276 찬송가 276 A missionary recently visited the Bible study I was attending. She described what it had been like to pack up her household, part with friends, and relocate to a distant country. When she and her family arrived, they were greeted with a flourishing drug-trade and hazardous roadways... 2013. 5. 2. [오늘의 양식] 기막히게 좋은 제안 Fantastic Offers Fantastic Offers 기막히게 좋은 제안 [God’s] abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus. —1 Peter 1:3 하나님이 그 많으신 긍휼대로 예수 그리스도의 ......부활하심으로 말미암아 우리를 거듭나게 하사 산 소망이 있게 하시며 — 베드로전서 1:3Hymn 252 찬송가 252 I am amazed at the unbelievable offers that flood my e-mail box every day. Recently, I added up the offers of free money that came to me in a week, and my “take” to.. 2013. 4. 30. 이전 1 ··· 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ··· 124 다음