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[오늘의 양식] 응원의 기회 Waiting For Cheer Waiting To Cheer 응원의 기회 . . . to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. —Ephesians 3:19 지식에 넘치는 그리스도의 사랑을 알아...... 하나님의 모든 충만하신 것으로 너희에게 충만하게 하시기를 구하노라 — 에베소서 3:19Hymn 407 찬송가 407 In his very first Little League baseball game, a young player on the team I was coaching got hit in the face with a ball. He was not hurt but was understand.. 2013. 5. 10.
[오늘의 양식] 아빠, 걱정하지 마세요 Don't Worry, Dad! “Don’t Worry, Dad!” “아빠, 걱정하지 마세요!” The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. —Isaiah 58:8 여호와의 영광이 네 뒤에 호위하리니 — 이사야 58:8Hymn 66 찬송가 66 Last summer, my husband and I hosted a concert and fundraiser for childhood cancer research. We planned to have the event in our backyard, but weather forecasts were dismal. A few hours before the event, we began calling our 100+ guests to inform them of a.. 2013. 5. 9.
[오늘의 양식] 검독수리 Golden Eagle Golden Eagle 검독수리 I will meditate . . . on Your wondrous works. —Psalm 145:5 주의 기사를......나는 묵상하리이다 — 시편 145:5Hymm 78 찬송가 78 My son Mark and I were leaving the Clyde Peterson Ranch in Wyoming to head back to Michigan. In the distance we spotted a huge bird sitting in a solitary tree overlooking a steep canyon. As we approached, the golden eagle leaped from the tree and soared out over the canyon,.. 2013. 5. 8.
[오늘의 양식] 하나님은 신뢰할 수 있다 We Can Trust Him We Can Trust Him 하나님은 신뢰할 수 있다 Bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who . . . persecute you. —Matthew 5:44 너희 원수를 사랑하며 너희를 핍박하는 자를 위하여 기도하라 — 마태복음 5:44Hymn 36 찬송가 36 I know very little about persecution. My physical well-being has never been threatened because of what I believe or what I say. What little I “know” about the subject comes from what I hear an.. 2013. 5. 7.