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[오늘의 양식] 잃은 시간의 만회 Making Up For Lost Time Making Up For Lost Time 잃은 시간의 만회 I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. —Joel 2:25 내가......큰 군대 곧 메뚜기의......먹은 햇수대로 너희에게 갚아 주리니 — 요엘 2:25Hymn 336 찬송가 336 None of us can say that we have no regrets. Often we are led down paths of bad choices— some paths longer than others—which can have a lingering effect on the mind, body, and soul. 우리 중 후회할 일이 없다고 말할 사람은 아무도 없을 것입니.. 2013. 4. 11.
[오늘의 양식] 단순하게 하라 Keep It Simple Keep It Simple 단순하게 하라 We are not writing any other things to you than what you [can] read or understand. —2 Corinthians 1:13 오직 너희가 읽고 아는 것 외에는 우리가 다른 것을 쓰지 아니하노니 — 고린도후서 1:13Hymn 236 찬송가 236 James Madison, fourth president of the United States, was instrumental in the drafting of the US constitution. He warned against creating laws “so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that.. 2013. 4. 10.
[오늘의 양식] 야망은 잘못된 것인가? Is Ambition Wrong? Is Ambition Wrong? 야망은 잘못된 것인가? Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord. —Colossians 3:23 무슨 일을 하든지 마음을 다하여 주께 하듯 하고 — 골로새서 3:23Hymn 543 찬송가 543 Is ambition wrong? Is it wrong to be driven, to push to be the best? It can be. The difference between right and wrong ambition is in our goal and motivation—whether it’s for God’s glory or our own. 야망이 잘못된 것일까요? 최고가 되고 싶은 마음이 들거나, 최고가 되기 위해 열심히.. 2013. 4. 9.
[오늘의 양식] 당신의 상표를 지켜라 Guard Your Brand Guard Your Brand 당신의 상표를 지켜라 Above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. —Colossians 3:14 이 모든 것 위에 사랑을 더하라 이는 온전하게 매는 띠니라 — 골로새서 3:14Gospel Song 66 복음성가 66 A popular clothing retailer requires that its sales clerks dress like the models in the store windows who advertise its clothes. This practice is referred to as “guarding their brand.” The idea behind it is that shop.. 2013. 4. 8.