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[오늘의 양식] 불필요한 대역 No Substitute Needed No Substitute Needed 불필요한 대역 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? —Psalm 139:7 내가 주의 신을 떠나 어디로 가며 주의 앞에서 어디로 피하리이까 — 시편 139:7Hymn 432 찬송가 432 While I was visiting my son in San Diego, we decided to go to Shadow Mountain Church to hear Dr. David Jeremiah preach. Steve and I got up early on Sunday morning and took the hour-long drive to the church. But our antic.. 2013. 4. 1.
[오늘의 양식] 수선화 밭에서 Knee-Deep In Daffodils Knee-Deep In Daffodils 수선화 밭에서 The Lord is risen indeed! —Luke 24:34 주께서 과연 살아나시고 — 누가복음 24:34Hymn 151 찬송가 151 When the first flowers of spring bloomed in our yard, my 5-year-old son waded into a patch of daffodils. He noticed some debris from plants that had expired months before and remarked, “Mom, when I see something dead, it reminds me of Easter because Jesus died on the cross.” I replied, .. 2013. 3. 31.
[오늘의 양식] 이길 수 있어! You Can Beat It! You Can Beat It! 이길 수 있어! O Death, where is your sting? —1 Corinthians 15:55 사망아 너의 쏘는 것이 어디 있느냐 — 고린도전서 15:55Hymn 150 찬송가 150 The radio ad for an upcoming seminar sounded intriguing. The announcer said, “You can beat death—for good! Attend my seminar and I’ll show you how.” I wondered for a few moments what the speaker would claim could beat death and what his suggestions might be. Perhaps some.. 2013. 3. 30.
[오늘의 양식] 승리의 함성 Shout Of Triumph Shout Of Triumph 승리의 함성 It is finished! —John 19:30 다 이루었다! — 요한복음 19:30Hymn 142 찬송가 142 Recently I read about Aron Ralston, a hiker who was trapped alone at the bottom of a remote canyon. With scant hope of being found and his strength ebbing away, he had to take drastic measures to save his life. During a moment of excruciating pain, he shouted in agony and in victory, because he had freed him.. 2013. 3. 29.