57. Loving God, please help me to pray for those who are blind to Your love and to trust You with them.
56. Dear God, please help me to trust You. I want to submit my life to You.
55. Dear God, rather than doing whatever I want, please help me conform to Jesus’ image.
54. Dear God, please help me be a bold witness for You.
53. Loving God, thank You for holding me, molding me, and reminding me that I’m Yours.
52. Dear Father, please teach me to learn the difference between temporary happiness and lasting joy.
51. When I wear worldly values, dear God, please change my spiritual clothing.
50. Heavenly Father, please remind me that the abilities You’ve given me are to be a holy offering.
49. Praise to You, dear Jesus, for Your everlasting gift of peace.
48. Dear Father, please open my eyes to see how I can be kind to someone today.
47. Loving God, thank You for releasing me from my sin and shame.
46. Dear God, please help me to understand the vital value of each member in the body of Christ and show me how to both receive and give help so that together we’re stronger.
45. Loving Father, thank You for sending Your Son to address the sin problem of the world.
44. Dear God, please help me to seek unity with other believers in Jesus.
43. If I’m feeling worried today, dear Jesus, please grant me confidence to give my fear to You as I live out Your peace.
42. God of mercy, thank You for overlooking the times I’ve offended You. Please give me the wisdom to do the same for others.
41. God of the universe, thank You for being my heavenly Father. I place my hope in You to provide me wisdom and strength.
40. Thank You, Jesus, for always understanding and loving me.
39. Loving God, please help me to reflect Your truth and love to those far from You.
38. Heavenly Father, please remind me to be kind to others-sharing my gifts and treasures.
37. Gracious God, thank You for the joy of giving.
36. Thank You, Father, for creating rainbows and revealing them to us as confirmation of Your promise to us.
35. Dear God, thank You for helping me get up after a fall.
34. Loving God, I realize that I’m a sinner-I do things that are wrong in Your eyes. I also realize that You sent Jesus to earth to die on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins and redeem me. Thank You for the salvation You’ve provided!
33. Dear God, thank You that Your love heals me in all the places where I’ve been rejected.
32. Dear God, please help me to be authentic in my relationships out of love for You and others.
31. Father, I give my emotions to You so that Your Spirit will help me avoid speaking in haste.
30. Your love never fails, loving God, so please guide me in relating to all with the excellence of love.
29. Thank You, Father, for seeing me, knowing me, and loving me. Please help me to turn my face to You always!
28. Dear God, You’re the all-knowing one. When I don’t understand what’s happening, please help me to trust You.
27. Dear God, thank You for always loving me despite my struggles and doubts. Please teach me to trust in Your love anew.
26. Dear Jesus, please help me to become a fisher of people so that others will know You better.
25. Heavenly Father, please give me insight to see others as You see them.
24. Father, thank You for inviting me to participate in the work You’re doing in the world and in me.
23. Dear God, thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross, for making me a somebody in Your kingdom.
22. Heavenly Father, thank You for the great love You lavish on me. I rest in Your promise that You’ll never forsake me.
21. I’m so thankful that my righteousness rests in You, Jesus! Thank You for making me holy.
20. Father God, I praise You for being the surest foundation for my life.
19. Dear God, thank You for blessing me and making me a blessing.
18. Dear Father, please help me to trust You with my loved ones, knowing that You can carry them better than I can.
17. Father, our world is filled with stories that promise life but ultimately run counter to Your truth. Please give me a hunger for Your wisdom that I might walk in Your ways.
16. Dear God, I want to know Your voice and follow You. Please help me recognize You in Jesus.
15. Dear Father, please help me to not lose heart and to persevere in doing good.
14. Dear Jesus, You’re enough for every test.
13. Dear Jesus, thank You for giving Yourself for me. Please help me to live in Your love today.
12. Father, please forgive me when I’ve chosen not to walk with You but pursued my own agenda. Help me keep in step with You.
11. Dear God, please help me to surrender the need to always be right in exchange for the gift of unending learning as I journey with You.
10. Dear Father, please help me to stand firm on the wisdom of Scripture and not be deceived.
9. My God, Your love is better than life!
8. Thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Son, who brings me into Your family.
7. Dear Jesus, thank You for the hope and peace You’ve brought to me.
6. Thank You, Jesus, for helping me with my fears and for showing me how to live courageously.
5. Dear God, the ruins are so devastating. I’m not sure I can believe that You have a promise big enough for this. But I choose to believe.
4. Loving Father, thank You that You care for me. Please help me to trust that You’re making something beautiful of my life.
3. Dear Jesus, please give me the wisdom and power today to offer grace to those who’ve wronged me.
2. Heavenly Father, I praise You for the privilege of face time with You. Please help me to always be ready to spend time with You in prayer.
1. Dear Jesus, please help me live in a way that shows I believe the Bible is the truth that never changes.
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