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에델만 Edelman이 전하는 2011년 디지털 트랜드 11

by manga0713 2011. 1. 7.

에델만 디지털 Edelman Digital에서 2011년의 디지털 트랜드 11가지를 소개 했는데요. 디지털 세상에 대한 깊은 연구를 통해 11가지의 트랜드를 뽑아낸 분들의 노력에 박수를 보냅니다.

항상 그렇듯이 피와 살이되는 내용들인데요. 다음과 같습니다.

1. Attentionomics

- Marketers begin to realize the value of attention and not just reach in driving conversion

2. Digital Curation

– The plethora of content will give rise to digital curators who can separate art from junk

3. Developer Engagement

– Marketers typically don’t try to court developers, but that’s all about to change

4. Transmedia Storytelling

– If there’s one constant it’s that humans crave stories. Technology creates new expectations

5. Thought Leadership

– Companies recognize they must activate credible individual expert voices who can create content

6. The Integration Economy

– Social media efforts can no longer exist in fragmented, non-formal initiatives. They begin to integrate

7. Ubiquitous Social Computing

– As competition heats up mobile devices, consumers closer to being socially connected anywhere

8. Location, Location, Facebook

– If 2010 belonged to solely Foursquare, it’s likely that Facebook will rain on their parade in 2011

9. Social Media Schizophrenia

– Social overload is no longer a problem for tech mavens, but a broader population

10. Google Strikes Back

– Google proves that the best way to beat Facebook & Twitter is to do what they do best: index them to pieces

11. Viva La Social Web Site

– Businesses realize that integrating social functionality into their existing web sites is what users now expect

ps : 포스트원문 보기 "Eleven Digital Trends to Watch in 2011"