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[Jer Thorp] The Weight of Data

by manga0713 2012. 3. 7.

Jer Thorp is an artist and educator from Vancouver, Canada, currently living in New York. Coming from a background in genetics, his digital art practice explores the many-folded boundaries between science and art. Recently, his work has been featured by The New York Times, The Guardian, Scientific American, The New Yorker, and the CBC. Thorp's award-winning software-based work has been exhibited in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia and all over the web. Most recently, he has presented at Carnegie Mellon's School of Art, at Eyebeam in New York City, and at IBM's Center for Social Software in Cambridge. He is currently Data Artist in Residence at the New York Times, and is an adjunct Professor in New York University's ITP program.