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[오늘의 양식] C. S. Lewis의 편지 A Letter From C.S. Lewis A Letter From C. S. Lewis C.S. 루이스의 편지 I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. —1 John 2:12 자녀들아 내가 너희에게 쓰는 것은 너희 죄가 그의 이름으로 말미암아 사함을 얻음이요 —요한1서 2:12Hymn 392 찬송가 392 In September 1961, Harvey Karlsen, a high school student in Brooklyn, New York, wrote to C. S. Lewis in England. Harvey had read Lewis’ book The Screwtape Letters and asked the author.. 2013. 6. 10.
[오늘의 양식] 순종이 곧 예배 Obedience Is Worship Obedience Is Worship 순종이 곧 예배 To obey is better than sacrifice. —1 Samuel 15:22 순종이 제사보다 낫고 —사무엘상 15:22Hymn 377 찬송가 377 While I was traveling with a chorale from a Christian high school, it was great to see the students praise God as they led in worship in the churches we visited. What happened away from church was even better to see. One day the group discovered that a woman had no money for ga.. 2013. 6. 9.
[오늘의 양식] 마음을 지킴 Guarding Hearts Guarding Hearts 마음을 지킴 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. —2 Timothy 2:15 너는 진리의 말씀을 옳게 분별하며 부끄러울 것이 없는 일꾼으로 인정된 자로 자신을 하나님 앞에 드리기를 힘쓰라 —디모데후서 2:15Hymn 350 찬송가 350 For years I taught adult Bible-study classes in a local church and took great pains to consider Scripture carefully before answering questions.. 2013. 6. 7.
[오늘의 양식] 앞장서서 이끌기 Leading From The Front Leading From The Front 앞장서서 이끌기 He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. —Psalm 23:2-3 그가 나를......쉴만한 물가로 인도하시는도다 내 영혼을 소생시키시고 자기 이름을 위하여 의의 길로 인도하시는도다 —시편 23:2-3Hymn 453 찬송가 453 Stephen Ambrose’s book Band of Brothers follows the US Army’s Easy Company from training in Georgia through the Normandy Invasion of D-Day .. 2013. 6. 6.