묵상493 [오늘의 양식] 아직도 과실을 맺음 Still Bearing Fruit Still Bearing Fruit 아직도 과실을 맺음 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit. —John 15:8 너희가 과실을 많이 맺으면 내 아버지께서 영광을 받으실 것이요 — 요한복음 15:8Hymn 260 찬송가 260 Sometimes the harvest comes late. Sometimes you sow seeds of hope without really knowing it. Sometimes the fruit of your life comes in a way and time you would never expect. 간혹 추수가 늦어질 때가 있습니다. 때로는 의식하지 못한 채 희망의 씨를 뿌릴 때가 있고, 때로는 삶의 과실이.. 2012. 10. 8. [오늘의 양식] 손을 내려 놓으라 Drop Your Hands Drop Your Hands 손을 내려놓으라 Be still, and know that I am God. —Psalm 46:10 너희는 가만히 있어 내가 하나님 됨을 알찌어다 — 시편 46:10Hymn 384 찬송가 384 You’d think I would have my mother’s fingerprints embedded in my knee from all the times she squeezed my leg in church and whispered in no uncertain terms, “Be still.” Like any boy, I had a bad case of the wiggles in places like church. So for years, when I read, “Be still.. 2012. 10. 7. [오늘의 양식] 가장 힘 없는 사람들 Least Powerful People Least Powerful People 가장 힘없는 사람들 Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. —1 Corinthians 10:12 그런즉 선 줄로 생각하는 자는 넘어질까 조심하라 —고린도전서 10:12Hymn 397 찬송가 397 An unusual list called The 100 Least Powerful People in the World appeared in the online publication 24/7 Wall St. Among those selected were corporate executives, sports figures, politicians, and celebrities who shared one common chara.. 2012. 10. 6. [오늘의 양식] 높은 생계비 The High Cost Of Living The High Cost Of Living 높은 생계비 Love the Lord your God, . . . obey His voice, . . . that you may dwell in the land. —Deuteronomy 30:20 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고...... 그 말씀을 순종하며......땅에 네가 거하리라 —신명기 30:20Hymn 369 찬송가 369 When I was young, I thought the cost of living in my parents’ home was too high. Looking back, I laugh at how ridiculous it was to complain. My parents never charged me a cent for living a.. 2012. 10. 4. 이전 1 ··· 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ··· 124 다음