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[오늘의 양식] 영향을 끼침 Making A Difference Making A Difference 영향을 끼침 [Jesus] was moved with compassion for them. —Matthew 9:36 예수께서 무리를 민망히 여기시니 — 마태복음 9:36Hymn 258 찬송가 258 Elizabeth’s story was moving, to say the least. Following a terribly humiliating experience in Massachusetts, she caught a bus to New Jersey to escape her embarrassment. Weeping uncontrollably, she hardly noticed that the bus had made a stop along the way. A passenge.. 2012. 10. 29.
[오늘의 양식] 멀리서 From A Distance From A Distance 멀리서 Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. —Genesis 28:16 여호와께서 과연 여기 계시거늘 내가 알지 못하였도다 — 창세기 28:16Hymn 415 찬송가 415 A popular song from years ago titled “From a Distance” envisions a world of harmony and peace. It says, “God is watching us from a distance.” Indeed God is watching us, but not from a distance. He is present, in the room with you, right in front of .. 2012. 10. 28.
[오늘의 양식] 타이타닉 II Titanic II Titanic II 타이타닉 II Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. —Jeremiah 17:5 무릇 사람을 믿으며 혈육으로 그 권력을 삼고 마음이 여호와에게서 떠난 그 사람은 저주를 받을 것이라 — 예레미야 17:5Hymn 344 찬송가 344 Mark Wilkinson purchased a 16-foot boat for fishing and recreation. Apparently he was not superstitious, because he christened his boat Titanic II after the ill-fated luxury ship .. 2012. 10. 27.
[오늘의 양식] 그녀까지도? Even Her? Even Her? 그녀까지도? Was not Rahab the harlot also justified? —James 2:25 또 이와 같이 기생 라합이......의롭다 하심을 받은 것이 아니냐 —야고보서 2:25Hymn 184 찬송가 184 Imagine looking through your family tree and finding this description of your ancestor: “A prostitute, she harbored enemies of the government in her house. When she was confronted by the authorities, she lied about it.” 당신의 족보에서 조상에 대한 다음과 같은 글을 찾아 읽는다고 상상해보십시오. .. 2012. 10. 26.