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[오늘의 양식] 버림받았다고요? Forsaken? Forsaken? 버림받았다고요? Those who seek Him will praise the Lord. Let your heart live forever! —Psalm 22:26 여호와를 찾는 자는 그를 찬송할 것이라 너희 마음은 영원히 살찌어다 —시편 22:26Hymn 494 찬송가 494 Do you know which psalm is quoted most often in the New Testament? You may have guessed the familiar and beloved 23rd Psalm, but actually it is Psalm 22. This psalm begins with David’s poignant, heart-breaking words that were quoted.. 2012. 11. 1.
[오늘의 양식] 굳게 섬 Stand fast Stand Fast 굳게 섬 Shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life. —Philippians 2:15-16 세상에서 그들 가운데 빛들로 나타내며 생명의 말씀을 밝혀 — 빌립보서 2:15-16Hymn 390 찬송가 390 As I waited to make a right-hand turn at a busy intersection, an ambulance appeared over the crest of a hill, speeding in my direction. Someone behind me honked, urging me into the crossroads. I knew the ambulance would be unlikely to st.. 2012. 10. 30.
[오늘의 양식] 영향을 끼침 Making A Difference Making A Difference 영향을 끼침 [Jesus] was moved with compassion for them. —Matthew 9:36 예수께서 무리를 민망히 여기시니 — 마태복음 9:36Hymn 258 찬송가 258 Elizabeth’s story was moving, to say the least. Following a terribly humiliating experience in Massachusetts, she caught a bus to New Jersey to escape her embarrassment. Weeping uncontrollably, she hardly noticed that the bus had made a stop along the way. A passenge.. 2012. 10. 29.
[오늘의 양식] 멀리서 From A Distance From A Distance 멀리서 Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. —Genesis 28:16 여호와께서 과연 여기 계시거늘 내가 알지 못하였도다 — 창세기 28:16Hymn 415 찬송가 415 A popular song from years ago titled “From a Distance” envisions a world of harmony and peace. It says, “God is watching us from a distance.” Indeed God is watching us, but not from a distance. He is present, in the room with you, right in front of .. 2012. 10. 28.