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나를 둘러 싼 의심들은 벗어 버립시다.. "지금 이 순간 This is the Moment"

by manga0713 2010. 11. 2.
이미지 출처: http://flickr.com/photos/woija/775477076/]

This is the moment!
This is the day,
When I send all my doubts and demons
On their way!

Every endeavor,
I have made - ever -
Is coming into play,
Is here and now - today!

This is the moment,
This is the time,
When the momentum and the moment 
Are in rhyme!

Give me this moment -
This precious chance -
I'll gather up my past
And make some sense at last!

This is the moment,
When all I've done -
All the dreaming,
Scheming and screaming,
Become one!

This is the day -
See it sparkle and shine,
When all I've lived for
Becomes mine!

For all these years,
I've faced the world alone,
And now the time has come
To prove to them
I've made it on my own!

This is the moment -
My final test -
Destiny beckoned,
I never reckoned,
Second Best!

I won't look down,
I must not fall!
This is the moment,
The sweetest moment of them all!

This is the moment!
Damn all the odds!
This day, or never,
I'll sit forever 
With the gods!

When I look back,
I will always recall,
Moment for moment,
This was the moment,
The greatest moment 
Of them all!

지금 이 순간!
내 모든 것
내 육신, 내 영혼
모두 다 던져

내 마음 속 깊이 간직해 온 꿈
절실하게 이끌어 온 간절한 기도
그 모든 것의
이룸을 위하여

나의 의심
나의 절망
나를 유혹하는 모든 것들을
떠나 보낸다

지금 이 순간!!

(한글 가사는 원어의 원뜻에 맞춰 제가 조금 각색한 것입니다.)

Ps: 어느날 님의 블로그로 가시면 조승우, 홍광호, 류정한, 임태경, 김우형의 "지금 이 순간"을 들으실 수 있습니다.