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[오늘의 양식] 빚진 자 The Debtor A Debtor 빚진 자 The love of Christ compels us. —2 Corinthians 5:14 그리스도의 사랑이 우리를 강권하시도다 — 고린도후서 5:14Hymn 28 찬송가 28 As a young man, Robert Robinson (1735–1790) enjoyed getting into trouble with his friends, so the stories go. At age 17, though, he heard a sermon by George Whitefield from Matthew 3:7, and realized his need for salvation in Christ. The Lord changed Robinson’s life, and he became a pr.. 2013. 5. 26.
[오늘의 양식] 폭풍 속을 항해하기 Navigating The Storm Navigating The Storm 폭풍 속을 항해하기 He commands and raises the stormy wind, . . . and He brings them out of their distresses. —Psalm 107:25,28 여호와께서 명하신즉 광풍이 일어나서...... 여호와께서 고통에서 인도하여 내시고 — 시편 107:25,28Hymn 363 찬송가 363 The ancient people of the nation of Axum (located on the Red Sea in modern Ethiopia) discovered that the stormy winds of the monsoon season could be harnessed by sail for speedy navi.. 2013. 5. 25.
[오늘의 양식] 고난에서 나온 노래들 Songs Born Out Of Struggle Songs Born Out Of Struggle 고난에서 나온 노래들 Have mercy on me, O Lord . . . ; my eye wastes away with grief, yes, my soul and my body! —Psalm 31:9 여호와여......나를 긍휼히 여기소서 내가 근심으로 눈과 혼과 몸이 쇠하였나이다 — 시편 31:9Hymn 479 찬송가 479 In a documentary film about three legendary guitarists, Jack White described the first essential for writing a song: “If you don’t have a struggle already inside of you or around you, y.. 2013. 5. 4.
[오늘의 양식] 나쁜 소식 극복하기 Overcoming Bad News Overcoming Bad News 나쁜 소식 극복하기 Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. —Psalm 4:6 여호와여 주의 얼굴을 들어 우리에게 비취소서 — 시편 4:6Hymn 66 찬송가 66 There are many who say, ‘Who will show us any good?’ ” (Ps. 4:6). These words of David seem to describe the pessimistic outlook we so easily develop in our world today. The front page of newspapers and the top stories on the Internet or television seem to.. 2013. 4. 29.